Author Frank Scully in 1950 released the now infamous book 'Behind the Flying Saucers',
in which he reported 4 UFO crash retrieval incidents. (Most of these are now
widely believed to be unreliable).
The crash incident occurred near Aztec, New Mexico, 1948. Most of Scully's information
came from a 'Dr. Gee', who was in fact a composite of 8 different people from whom
Scully had obtained his information.
Scully claimed, that the disc that landed near Aztec was 99.99 feet in diameter and that
it's exterior was made of a light metal resembling aluminium but so durable that no amount of heat or
diamond drilling had any effect.
The disc apparently incorporated large rings of metal which revolved around a central
stabilised cabin, using an unfamiliar gear ratio. There were no rivets, bolts, screws or
signs of welding. Investigators were eventually able to gain access to the craft by
pushing a knob with a long pole through a porthole which caused a hidden door to open.
Scully's informant also stated that 16 small humanoids, ranging in height from 36 to
42 inches, were found dead inside the cabin, their bodies charred to a dark
brown colour.
Scully was told that the craft was undamaged, having landed under its own guidance. The craft
was found to be assembled in segments using a complex system of grooves and pins. The craft and
bodies were then apparently flown to Wright Patterson AFB.
In 1987 William Steinman found some further evidence to support Scully's claim but again he
refused to divulge his source. Steinman stated that the crash occurred on 25th March and was
detected by 3 separate radar centres. The radar apparently caused the craft to crash.
Steinman's version, however, stated that only 14 humanoid bodies were recovered and not 16 as
Scully had claimed.
Without further proof this incident is likely to remain just a 'possible' crash retrieval case.
Please EMAIL me with any additional Info/Suggestions